Meowscles, a character from the video game Fortnite, is a muscular humanoid cat, originally known as the Buff Cat, with a built-in emote called the Swole Cat. He has 4 edit styles in Fortnite: Default, GHOST, SHADOW and the Golden Agent. In order to receive his elusive gold variant, you will need to reach Level 180 during Chapter 2: Season 2 in Fortnite.
Meowscles was formulated as an Epic Outfit in Fortnite: Battle Royale that could be obtained at Level 60 from the Chapter 2: Season 2 Battle Pass. Fortnite’s Meowscles was previously a Spy Boss from The Yacht, until which point that The Yacht was taken over by Deadpool himself. Meowscles was last seen residing at the Box Factory by the end of Fortnite’s Season Two, then he handed it down to his son, Kit. Kit took over the Box Factory and in Chapter 2 Season 3 it became known as the Catty Corner.
This infamous Fortnite cat is a known SHADOW agent, but fans were confused by the fact he was skiing towards the Fortilla, (a known E.G.O Base). This could be hinting at Meowscles either defecting from his faction similar to the character Brutus, or that he was a Double Agent. The truth is still unknown and up to fan’s speculation.
This Fortnite Meowscles Pop! Vinyl Figure measures approximately 3 3/4-inches tall. It comes packaged in a window display box.