Peppa Pig Peppa's Adventures Pedro Pony Little Buggy Vehicle

Regular price $7.88

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  • Preschoolers and Peppa Pig fans will love rolling this adorable little buggy toy here, there, and everywhere.
  • This buggy is inspired by the school bus seen on the acclaimed cartoon, with Pedro Pony as a passenger inside (figure is attached to vehicle).
  • Real rolling wheels let kids push and roll this little buggy bus all over the house.
Preschoolers and Peppa Pig fans ages 3 and up would be delighted with this cute Peppa Pig Peppa's Adventures Pedro Pony Little Buggy vehicle, designed to look like a school bus, with Pedro Pony inside! (Figure is attached to vehicle.) Real rolling wheels let kids push the vehicle all over! Is Pedro Pony going to school, or heading off to a day trip? Kids will love coming up with new answers to that question! Ages 3 & up